
I've been pondering. Lately. How none of us. No matter how frequently we visit other countries. And have the privilege of being in villages or refugee camps. Really know what it's like to BE in that place. With its challenges. And nowhere else to go.
I do not know what it's like to not know if there will be food for my family. I do not know what it is like to live behind closed doors or invisible in a burqa. I do not know what it is like to leave everything I have behind.
I do not know.
I leave on a trip on Sunday - I think this will be my traveling book this time around.
Some of us are very fortunate, because a lot of the world isn't very nice.
I read that book this summer, too, and found it to be very interesting.. on a lot of different levels.
I do not know what it is like to leave everything I have behind.
I do not know.
And yet you are much more traveled and world aware than a lot of folks around.
That is a whole lot more than a lot of folks know or care about.
I don't agree with all of Ali's opinions but I do respect the courage of her convictions and that she stands up for what she believes in.
And that is exactly why I enjoy reading about stuff like that!! be it a book or your travel posts!!
i've read every book you've recommended and i've never been disappointed.
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