C: Copacabana, Bolivia

Copacabana. A dull town. Of closed doors. Big. Wooden. Closed. Doors. I doubted we could find a place to stay for night. But we did.
The next morning, we went to the Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana. My pilgrimage. To see the blessing of the cars. Riotous, brightly decorated draped cars and trucks. Plastic flowers. Garlands. The priest that day. Came from the basilica. In a brown robe and sandals. And proceeded with the blessing of the vehicles. It doesn’t seem like a bad idea. To me.
Me either! Considering they blow over....
Nice story ~
You'd think it would be much more lively and festive given it's name. Or at least I'd think...
Yeah---it sounds like those BUSES need blessing. Jeez! :)
there is a song "you be me for a while, and i'll be you"
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