Today I Flew

But then I arrived. In the snow. With no available taxis. Then I spot my boss. At the rental car counter. Getting a car just to go home. And this saves me the wait.
And the snow makes it easier to go again on Monday. To warm places. My life right now is absorbed by travel. By my next flight. And the flight after that. Here to Detroit to Tokyo to Bangkok. Overnight in Bangkok and on to Dhaka. And then to Kathmandu. And then the whole thing again. But in reverse. Hours and hours and hours on a plane.
Adventures! More! Adventures!
Better adventures than Podunk, Maryland!
I'd kill for protected time to read, write, and rest my brain.
I have a question if you want to answer. Actually its sort of a set of questions. I'll preface this with I am going through great growing pains in my marriage learning to be patient with long work hours on my husband's part. With that I was wondering, with all this travel, how does your husband do? Does he ever join you? And to just tip the cart even more in the personal direction, how long have you guys been married?
I was thinking that you must have been married a long time and have developed a rhythm about being away from each other, OR you have that special personality that tolerates the time apart well. I sure wish I had either of these solutions sometimes.
Anyways, I understand if these are off limits questions.
I do love your travel stories.
May you travel safely.
Thailand Gal
Yes, what kc said: adventures upon adventures!!!
I like flying. You never know who you'll end up sitting almost on top of for hours at a stretch. Plus, peanuts and half-beverages!
Interesting that first class only amounts to nuts these days. I remember omelets and champagne once...
Maggie, who cares about her marriage, it is how Lucia and her little dog manage without each other!
You're right gr! How could I have focused on completely the wrong thing? Hee hee.
Travel safely, my friend.
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