Traveling to Timbuktu

Nearing Timbuktu, the track ends at the sandy shores of the Niger River. Here there's a four-car ferry. I met this guy from (that's his truck getting on the ferry) while waiting for the ferry. He and his girlfriend had this specially equipped Land Cruiser (pop-up camper on the top, tools for winching the car out of the river, etc.) and had left from London in February. They are planning to travel for 3 years. They're in Ghana right now if his website is up to date.
The ferry drifts while the cars get on. When its pointed somewhat in the right direction, the car leaves the shore, sloshes through the water, and if things go well, up the ferry ramp. An overloaded truck tried to get on, but couldn't make it. His being stuck in the sand and water was a cause for chuckling when the ferry pulled away. Although it was made for four cars, they managed to get five on. Border Crossing guy's car was so close to the one I was in that we had a nice chat on the 35 minute ride. I couldn't get out. There wasn't room for the doors to open.
More on Timbuktu in my next post...
That "ferry" looks to be barely bigger than the car. Hope you all can swim.
That sounds INSANE. But man, stuff like that makes for good stories...
What a wild ride. What would have happened if the ferry were to sink? I guess you'da been swimming through several car windows...
Timbuktu definitely sounds to live up to its reputation
Thank goodness I have the ability to block out the worst possible scenario! Um, getting out of the car? The ferry sinking? Swimming through hippo and alligator infested waters? Nope, never crossed my mind. All I thought is, "Cool, I'm on the Niger."
How did you get such an exciting life????
Well, I wwas thinking about going to Timbuktu instead of Venice beach this summer...
Thanks for changingmy mind.
Whew...close one. ;)
i loooovveee that crazy sort of travelling just to get to where you need to be..makes you feel so very alive. and it's amazing how it (almost) always works out. i loooovvee that part too.
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