
I had been to Amboseli once before, about four years ago. But I had forgotten how many animals are there, many grazing together. Zebra. Elephants. Wildebeest. Gazelles. Ostriches. Warthogs. Lions. Giraffes. Hyenas. Jackals. Hippo. Last time I was there an elephant passed within feet of the jeep, and I was surprised at how much they smell. This time, the highlight was four female lions. Two crossed in front of the van. Two in back. It’s hard to see lions at all, so to see them up close was great.
I woke up at the lodge to clattering and banging on the roof. Baboons. Baboons on the roof. Really, who wakes up to baboons on the roof? I didn’t go out. I think baboons are nasty, and I had visions of a cranky one landing on my head.
Last week, I had physical jet lag. This week, I think I have emotional jet lag. Think about having a really big adventure, and then being back in the office. Yup, emotional jet lag.
wow. gorgeousness. travelling is so damn incredible, isn't it - and lucky you - to have this as part of your life's work. am so enjoying the pics and travel bites.
Oh. My. God. That picture. baby elephants. Two baby elephants.
No one would not understand the emotional jet lag after that.
Baby elephants, with Mt. Kilamanjaro in the background.
oh my god, that photograph gave me chills. how incredible what you are seeing every day. what a wonderful experience!
wow!! that is so beautiful! I am soo jealous! Im jumping in your backpack next time! I soo love your blog!
Tooo cute! I may have to link back here when I show some elephants I made.
Jet lag as an intrinsic part of travel surely is down side of travel and emotional jet lag, the pit of it.
However, pictures of baby elephants are sure to push a smile across your face! I bet you have wonderful photo collections.
Awesome picture! Each time I travel, I am always tempted to stay. Too much "Shirley Valentine". :)
Thailand Gal
Can I live vicariously through you??
Check out the videos of the elephants and lion.
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