I'm back and already missing Kathmandu. Jet lag is generally worse going east, so I'm anticipating needing a few more days to recover. I left Kathmandu Thursday and stayed overnight in Bangkok. Then I had one of those mega-long calendar days. Seven hours from Bangkok to Tokyo, and another 11 from Tokyo to Minneapolis. One more short flight and I'm home now. Jet lag is supposed to take about one day per time zone, but I've got no idea how many time zones I've crossed and am not sure I want to know.
sister...am so glad you are back safe and sound.
i thought of you often while you were away, hungry for your journey and wishing you well.
i so cannot wait to see more pics.
rest well.
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Welcome back, glad to see you back. Rest will do you a world of good.
I was tired just reading about those long flights! Take it easy and rest rest rest.
Welcome back. I've loved reading about your adventures. You are remarkable.
Welcome back.
The jet lag experts always say to avoid alcohol.
well welcome home!! cant wait to see more pics!
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