Back from Africa

It will take a few days to untopsy-turvy my world--to get over jet lag, to adjust to it now being Fall (the trees have started to change and all my summer clothes are still thrown around the bedroom from when I left), to see the miracle of electricity and water (hot!) working every day, to eat on a normal schedule, and to get things back in order. I'm happy happy happy to have clean clothes. I planned to take six shirts. I left two in the dryer. One got a hole right away. Another was filthy after the first wear, which means for about two weeks, I've been switching back and forth between two shirts.
Welcome back. Anxiously awaiting your stories. Enjoyed the ones you already graced us with. Travel could really cause realizations of how fortunate we are, with the conveniences we enjoy.
Glad you are back, hope you find a clean shirt.
Glad you are back safely! Thanks for sharing what you already have, and the photos too. More, please!
Thanks for the warm welcome home!
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